I have always thought about a type a situation where a man creates a different type of world for a guy. This was the first I have watched The Truman show and I was amazed that I have never heard of it before and I am a big Jim Carrey fan. I was more amazed that in the movie instead of studying his behavior towards the type of friendly and “safe” environment, they decided to turn it into a TV show. When Truman had the choice of staying in that world or going into the real world, he didn’t hesitate making the decision of going into the real world. The question I ask myself and I’m sure many has asked after watching this movie is; What does he expect to find on the other side of the door?
Many things can happen to Truman once he steps out of that world. For one, he is super popular and possibly the most famous celebrity of all time. With that said, he will first explore how the people really are and he will be surprised. Many people already know him so it will be difficult to live a normal life being a celebrity. He will also have to find a job to support himself. With no “real” high school diploma and education he will probably not find a very good job, which will have him living from check to check. He is also going to face the fact that he has no family whatsoever and will be very lonely despite the fact that everybody knows him. He will see how people really are and the history of us. He will find out about wars, genocides, murders, rapes and realize the evil real people have in will be shocked. I believe that he will soon realize that it isn’t his place to live in and will want to return to Seahaven because he wouldn’t really fit in.
This movie really relates to “The Allegory of the Cave” in many ways. The “prisoner” would be Truman, the cave would be Seahaven and the shadows would be everybody involved with the show that has been lying to Truman all of his life. When Truman suspects that many events in his life are extremely weird such as his father reappearing and his ex girlfriend saying “it is all a set for you” he begins to realize the truth. This can be considered Truman the “prisoner” as “staring in amazement at the shadows that are created for us”. He starts to notice that the world he is living in revolves around him. When he escapes into the ocean and overcomes his fear would be considered “walking out to into light” because he finally set his fear of water aside and demands for the truth.
Truman Burbank expected the truth and got it, but I don’t believe he would like it. He wouldn’t have the choice of going back anymore because the idea of him living a controlled life is now spoiled because he knows now. He could however, ask for some money for being the star of his own show.